
Our Toolkits


AI for educatorS

This toolkit is a concise guide for educators to harness AI in their teaching practice. It introduces AI, presents a selection of AI tools for various educational tasks, and provides implementation guidance. It also addresses the ethical considerations of AI use in education, promotes critical thinking, data protection, and showcases the potential of ChatGPT in education.

Determine & Communicate Your Organisation’s Purpose: A User-Centric Guide

This toolkit assists organizations in establishing and articulating their purpose. It promotes understanding core values, creating mission statements and guiding principles, using the StoryBrand Canva framework for positioning, and crafting a customer-centered narrative. It also includes a website checklist to support initial public messaging. The guide's focus is on creating user-focused, purpose-driven business strategies.


Designing Innovation Ecosystems

In fast-moving competitive and complex markets, designing an effective innovation ecosystem can make all the difference. Explore this toolkit to learn how to make your project stand out from the crowd and ensure maximum impact.


Public Speaking: Prepare for thE best talk of your life

This toolkit will teach you everything you need to know in order to confidently stand up in front of a crowd. Whether you’re looking to brush up your skills for an important presentation or are starting from the beginning, this toolkit can help you develop crucial public speaking skills.

Remote Work: The best Tools foR the job

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of workers around the world are now turning to remote work. Learn from our experience in leading remote teams and projects at large corporations, startups and non-profit organizations over the last 10 years. Use our criteria selection guide to know what tools to use.


Unleashing The potential of Place Branding

Unleash the potential of place branding in the midst of challenges. Use our toolkit to discover how to reinforce synergies in your region, enhance its identity as a whole and harmonize marketing and communication efforts.



Designing Virtual Events

Providing convenience and comfort without sacrificing connection, the internet is the future of events. This toolkit teaches you everything you need to know to plan, execute and archive an unforgettable virtual experience.

Organiser des événements en ligne

Ce toolkit vous enseignera tout que vous devez savoir pour organiser une expérience virtuelle inoubliable.



Déployer le potentiel du marketing territorial

Déployer le potentiel du marketing territorial dans un environnement en constante évolution et plein de défis. Utilisez notre toolkit pour découvrir comment renforcer les synergies dans votre région, améliorer son identité et harmoniser les efforts de marketing et de communication.


designing a people-centered organization

Simon Sinek argues that we should start with Why. We think we should prioritize the Who. Use this toolkit to learn how to put people first in your organization.

Glass structure with title : Digital transformation of SMEs

Digital transformation of SMEs

This toolkit, designed in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO), leverages the latest scientific research to seamlessly transform your SME for a virtual landscape.

Glass structure with title : Building digital communities

Building Digital Communities